
“There’s no dollar sign on a peace of mind, this I’ve come to know…” Zac Brown Band There are many factors that go in to managing a portfolio. While quantitative factors lead the charge and are obviously important, there are a number of cognitive aspects. The ability to read and fully understand the whole picture...
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Fixed Income yields have declined rapidly in 2020 and many investors are not fully aware how little their ‘traditional’ Fixed Income portfolio likely yields. Two main forces account for this common misunderstanding. First, fixed income yields have moved dramatically and quickly in 2020 because of record low Treasury interest rates and relatively tight credit spreads....
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by David Lieberman Managing Partner, Portfolio Manager We have often covered the realities of the media’s natural bias to oversell a catastrophe in the interest of generating more traffic. Initially, the media missed the opportunity to report how likely Covid-19 was to become a worldwide pandemic and catastrophe. But the media is now working on overdrive...
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by Paul Broughton Within just a mere few days in early March the U.S. went from economic expansion and record low unemployment to a severe, deep contraction and record high unemployment. The S&P 500 reflected this by falling about -34% from its high on Feb 19th to the March 23rd low. And since that low the...
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by Dr. Charles Lieberman Chief Investment Officer Everyone is naturally fixated on the daily news on the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic repercussions. We know the news will remain horrific on both fronts for at least a few more weeks. But we also have good reason to expect most people who contract the virus and the...
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By:  Dr. Charles Lieberman, CIO and Dr. JoAnne Feeney, PM CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD BOOKLET The meltdown in the markets and the economy seem to be happening at warp speed. How can this be put to bed, so Americans can have a sense that the crisis will end? The policy needs seem reasonably clear. Policymakers...
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by Jeff Deiss CFP, AEP, Wealth Advisor The answer to the question, “where is the stock market headed over the next three months?”, is on everyone’s mind and remains unknown. Much depends, as we’ve been describing for the past two weeks, on how quickly we all shut down our activity in order to stop the spread...
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by Kevin Strauss The economic upheaval triggered by efforts to mitigate COVID-19’s spread is disrupting not only equity markets, but also the fixed income world in ways that have surprised many investors. Volatility has jumped in a market where investors thought they were shielded. But the news is not all bad. The source of the...
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Written by ACM Wealth Advisors Capital Management (ACM) is fully functional during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak with employees throughout the country working remotely as well as multiple in-office locations.  Should the Coronavirus outbreak require ACM to direct more in-office employees to work remotely we are confident that our clients should not see any difference in...
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  Written by Kevin Kern “Your money or your life?” is the crystal clear offer that muggers will give their victims to minimize a scuffle.  Those in their right minds will hand over their wallet and spare their lives.  The markets, economy, and investors are getting mugged right now by COVID-19.  Though tempting to hold...
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