
June 2020
by Dr. Charles Lieberman The surge in Covid 19 cases unnerved investors this past week, which is understandable. People did get complacent as various states reopened, particularly those that hadn’t been hit hard when the pandemic first arrived in the U.S. So, infections spiked notably in places that hadn’t previously been subjected to large numbers of...
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by John Bruggemann, CFP On Tuesday, June 23, the IRS announced a few important modifications to the original changes made by the CARES Act regarding RMDs (required minimum distributions) taken from an IRA and defined contribution plans in 2020. As you may recall, the CARES Act waived 2020 RMDs as well as first-time 2019 RMDs delayed...
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by David Lieberman When we wrote our last C19 memo on June 8, we had expected C19 cases to continue a gradual decline. Instead, states with lower case counts reopened early, people were surprisingly complacent, and cases have actually increased sharply in select states, even as cases continued to fall in what had previously been high...
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by Kevin Kelly Portfolio Manager During the first half of 2020, fixed income yields moved substantially, behaving far more volatile than normal and deviating from historical levels of normal volatility (perhaps the understatement of the year!). Consequently, almost every fixed income portfolio has seen the widest swings in principle values since the Global Financial Crisis. All...
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by David Lieberman Managing Partner, Portfolio Manager We have often covered the realities of the media’s natural bias to oversell a catastrophe in the interest of generating more traffic. Initially, the media missed the opportunity to report how likely Covid-19 was to become a worldwide pandemic and catastrophe. But the media is now working on overdrive...
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by John Bruggemann CFP, Wealth Advisor Most clients are familiar with the various tax-advantaged vehicles we all utilize – IRAs and 401K plans for retirement and 529 accounts for college savings. However, many are not familiar with a tax-advantaged savings plan focused specifically on healthcare expenses, which is a Health Savings Account, or HSA. Many employers...
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by David Lieberman Managing Partner, Portfolio Manager Summary United States • The US passes 2M cases but the daily case growth rate falls below 1%. • Cases are climbing in about 20 states including CA, FL, TX, MA, NC, TN, SC, UT, WA, GA, AK, AZ, KY, NM. But this is largely not reflected in an...
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by ACM Wealth ACM Wealth Administrator What a difference a month makes. Not only has the S&P 500 recouped much of its losses since late March, but the economic data is starting to turn positive. The pandemic is still with us, but we are learning how to live with it. A vaccine may yet be many...
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by David Ruff CFA, Global Portfolio Manager With COVID-19, ongoing trade issues, and now riots, many equity investors are asking if equities worldwide have disconnected from reality. The U.S. and Europe, hardest hit by the pandemic, are still dealing with ongoing economic challenges. Investors also worry as tensions between the U.S. and China, the world’s two...
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by Jeff Deiss CFP, AEP, Wealth Advisor With school out and summer jobs re-emerging after the shutdown, we thought we’d share some info on how you can provide some additional financial motivation and perhaps give your kids/grandkids a bit of an education at the same time. You can open a Roth IRA in the name of...
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