
Written by Dr. Charles Lieberman The market’s been pummeled by two shocks, the coronavirus and the collapse in oil prices. Both will depress the U.S. and global economies. Much depends on how policymakers respond. So there’s considerable uncertainty on both accounts. Coronavirus The coronavirus is still being transmitted widely and testing remains inadequate, even though...
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Lost in the impeachment and coronavirus headlines the last couple weeks was the January 29th U.S. ratification signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement, known as USMCA. Viewed as mildly positive for the U.S. but crucial for Mexico, the deal replaces the 26-year old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Not yet ratified by Canada, but expected...
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by Joseph Pecoraro In recent years, the market has been pushed by mega cap names that trade at high price-to earnings ratios. The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio used to value a company and provide a relative comparison to its historical ratio or other companies. The calculation for the P/E ratio is: current share...
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by Dr. JoAnne Feeney Portfolio Manager The broader U.S. economy appears to be growing solidly, yet many pundits wonder for just how long stocks can continue to rise. Valuations in most sectors are markedly above 5- and 10-year averages. Still, the big picture reveals that employers are creating more jobs (even with labor in short supply),...
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by Dr. Charles Lieberman Chief Investment Officer Investors got two out of three wishes this past week, as a trade deal was finally struck with the Chinese and the U.K. gave Boris Johnson an overwhelming mandate for Brexit.  The remaining open sore for investors is the impeachment of Donald Trump, although that cloud is likely to...
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by Jeff Deiss CFP, AEP, Wealth Advisor Harvesting losses on an annual basis is a prudent strategy that we employ and where we have more flexibility than other money managers because we focus on buying individual securities.  In addition to harvesting losses, investors should recognize that managing your gains is also part of investing (rebalancing).  The...
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by Paul Broughton As we approach year-end it’s appropriate to reflect on what’s taken place and how things look going into 2020.  The current quarter, in particular, is representative of the entire year, in that the headlines seem to be so negative and concerning, even as the markets and economy are looking pretty decent.  This quarter,...
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by David Lieberman Managing Partner, Portfolio Manager I am a fantasy baseball geek. And, as a fantasy baseball geek, I get together with 10 friends from all over the country each year for a 7-hour fantasy baseball draft.  The methods that we use to evaluate the skills of a player have changed a lot and have...
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic...
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