
April 17, 2023 Money and Children   Growing up, money was always something that was discussed in my house. My parents were immigrants from India, and their financial dynamic functioned very much like it would if they still lived in India. My father controlled the money; if my mother needed something, she needed to ask...
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April 3, 2023 A Client Story   I met a family this weekend whose mother had been following me for nearly a year, reading my content, and engaging with me on social media, but her son-in-law reached out to me to set up a meeting. So, we set it up for Saturday so he and...
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March 27, 2023 The Conundrum of Happiness   I finished reading a book this weekend that was so incredible that I immediately turned back to page one and began to reread it. The book is titled “The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness.” It is a study done over two...
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By Jeff Deiss CFP, AEP, Wealth Advisor Your ACM Wealth Advisor’s experience and guidance can help you visualize your future in retirement and make the decisions to keep you on track, taking these key retirement income considerations into account and how your investment portfolio should be designed based on your individual needs, goals and risk...
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By Paul Broughton The S&P 500 continues to make new highs and the economy is reopening at a rapid pace.  A great deal of this is likely due to the successful Covid vaccination rollout – everyday we’re getting that much closer to normal.  As well, the Fed’s current accommodative monetary policies remain firmly entrenched.  And...
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Missing the boat If you could make 7% on your investments for doing relatively little, would you take that deal? No, I am not going to try and sell you a newsletter with a get rich quick scheme, but I know the answer to my question is a loud and enthusiastic YES! From Jan 1,...
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Being right all the time is hard, actually it’s impossible 1 out of 10 active managers beats the overall index, and the best part…. That one manager changes all the time. There aren’t a few people out there who just consistently can beat the markets over and over the way Tom Brady goes to Superbowls...
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By Kevin Kelly Portfolio Manager Many fixed income investors with traditional investment-grade bond portfolios were likely disappointed by their performance in 1Q’21. This is understandable, because for the 5 years through 2020, the average annual investment-grade bond returned over 6.5%, whereas in 1Q, that return was -4.6%. Investors may not appreciate that the average investment-grade...
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Why is plywood so expensive? Home Depot is always a fun trip for a dad, but lately some of the joy has been taken away when I look at the prices. Inflation is alive and well, and I felt it when trying to buy lumber this weekend. Of course, being a financial planner, I made...
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By Charles Lieberman Chief Investment Officer The economy is now in full sprint, after being “Off to the Races”, as we wrote a month ago.  Payroll jobs surged by 1.07 million in March, including upward revisions to prior months, and additional mega-sized jobs gains are likely in the coming months, as vaccinations continue to roll...
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